Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad!! I can't wait to see you tonight and tell you how awesome you are, give your gifts and show you your special 'dad inspired' cupcakes!! (I will show you all later)

My Dad is the best, and my best friend. He has tought me just about evreything I know! He is so smart, he knows how to cook anything, fix anything, build anything and he teaches ALL the time!

He is so helpful anthing you need you don't even need to ask - he has already slid out the door and is shopping for everything he needs to do it and then some, probably dinner!

I love this man to pieces! I love who he has become and more so I love that I can come to him with anything and he always knows the perfect thing to say!

Dad is an awesome Grandpa to C! C will have awesome memories of his Grandpa forever, just like I do!! That means A LOT!

You're outstanding Dad!! Love you! Happy Birthday!!! XOXO

Make A Wish Walk for Wishes!!

So excited - My sister S asked me to participate in the Make-A-Wish Walk for Wishes! We are walking on April 16th in Downtown Sacramento at the Capital. This is really going to be fun! We are getting and making T-shirts and the best part - you get to wear pajama's and some of my family members are walking with us too AND C!!

If you are interested in walking with my team (children are welcome) or simply making a donation please go to
Thank you so much.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More cupcakes...

My favorite cupcake yet...

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

These are the cutest cupcakes ever... They were so fun to make!

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

Meatloaf Cupcakes...

I was making meatloaf the other night and was in a spunky mood so I decided to do something a little different... Meatloaf Cupcakes (with Mashed Potatoes).  I remember seeing this on a blog a few years ago and thought it was the time to try it!

This is the best meatloaf I have ever had - I'll post the recipe soon!

Out of the oven and with mashed potato frosting...
...sorry pictures were at night...

Breakfast with Cousins!

We got a delightful text message on Friday night to meet Amanda and the kiddo's at breakfast on Saturday! Had a really great time and C enjoyed seeing his cousins! See...

OH - you gotta see my Cousin Amanda's St. Patty's Day cupcakes  - SOOO cute! LOVE THEM!

Hope we can clear our busy schedules long enough to get together again... Whoa, life needs to slow down!

I'm back.. Hubby's birthday update and OREO pops!!

I have been so busy planning little C's 1st birthday that I have been ignoring my blog, but I have been thinking about it everyday. I have TONS to share with you - so enjoy!

Hubby's birthday was awesome! It was a few weeks ago and I promised pictures, so here we go!

Hubby is the only one on this planet that doesn't like my cake pops so I wanted to do something special for his birthday and he loves Oreo's so I made Oreo pops and made Cupcake bites as I don't like Oreo's!  

Here's the family enjoying Mom-in-laws taco's... YUMMY!!!

 Playing around having a good time!

Hubby durring his party having a good time! Thanks everyone for coming over and making this such a great evening for Kyle!

Hubby loved the Oreo pops SOOO much he begged me to make them again days later so I made him help me! It was so much fun and it really made me happy that he liked these alot! (So did I...I will admit)

Our little helper, couldn't have made them without him!! XOXO

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cricut Fun...

I finally got the chance to sit down this weekend and download my Sure Cuts A Lot program on my computer! I wanted to play around with my Cricut Expression and see what this baby can really do! I have heard amazing things and was told it would be the answer to all of my creative thoughts... maybe now I can sleep at night!

I wanted to start with something very simple and quick. As you all know we are doing a Mickey theme for Carter's birthday so I wanted to play with the Mickey font I downloaded.  With that font and basic shapes I made Carter a name tag for his door. This took me all of about 5 minutes!

I can't wait to start working on his invitations now...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gift Basket for Amy's Baby Shower

I wanted to do something crafty tonight and I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow. My Best Friend is having her second baby very soon. Kyle and I couldn't be more excited!

Here is a picture of my supplies that I started with:

Then everything designed in basket, including bib roses, onsie roses, massager, candles, and candies!!

 Finished product in shrink wrap!

Hope she loves it! 

Hubby's Birthday is tomorrow!!!

Sitting here planning Carter's first birthday thinking about the last 10 months and all the fun we have had with the family.  I have so much to do... invitations, favors, banners, etc. Of course I will share.

Hubby's birthday is tomorrow - I have a special day planned for him. Can't wait to make him a special breakfast in the morning before he goes to work... yes work on a Saturday and his birthday - I will share pictures tomorrow! 

I wanted to share this beautiful picture of my son when he was six months old hanging out at his cousin Cohen's house! That was such a great day.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Carter: Walking, Talking, Teeth and 1st BIRTHDAY

My little guy never stops amazing me! He is 10 months old and is walking quite well! It is really so neat watching a little person learn new things so fast. I never knew I would enjoy being a mother so much! Everyday that I am at work I just can't wait to get home to him! 

Here he is walking, dancing and talking all at the same time!

This past weekend he learned to say "Hello" it sounds more like "Ha-whoa" but it counts! He also says "Uh oh" when he has dropped something.

We saw last night that he is getting his third tooth too! He hasn't even been complaining. He is so good!

Kyle and I have started compiling our list of people to invite to Carter's 1st birthday - WHOA, there are a lot of people that love our little man! Gotta get these invites together!

We will be doing a Mickey Mouse theme - so family and friends - get the date of April 23rd on your calendar. (yes, that is the day before Easter... booo)

Get 'em while they're hot!!

I am currently selling cupcakes and cake pops!

I will make custom designs, custom colors, custom flavors, etc.

Please contact me at with your orders, requests, or questions!

Cupcakes start at $1.25 each or $10.00 a dozen

Cake Pops start at $1.50 each or $15.00 a dozen

Thank you!

How exciting it is to start a blog!

I have decided to start a blog! The hardest part was deciding on a name!

I have so many creative ideas, just not enough time. I am hoping that starting this blog will inspire me to make more time for my hobbies!  I am very excited about this as I love sharing my different ideas.

I love baking, especially cupcakes, and LOVE decorating and organizing.  I want to document different things I accomplish and share them with you.  I am also hoping to share family moments and photo's of all the fun things we do.

My hubby's hobby is his car! He loves his 1958 Volkswagen Bug. We do a few events each year and will post those here as well! We have so much fun with this little car!

Kyle and I were married in September in 2008, bought a home in California and welcomed our first little guy in April 2010. I want to share all the good times our little family has!

Welcome to my blog, hope to keep up with posting!