Monday, June 27, 2011

Make your own Doggie Biscuits

My family was spending way too much money on doggie treats, so I searched high and low for a great healthy but cheap recipe so that I could make my own. Carter even helped me make them!!

Doggie Biscuits
2 cups whole wheat flour
3 tablespoons canola oil
1/4 cup chicken stock
1 egg
1 jar meat flavored baby food (chicken or turkey)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Using a wooden spoon, combine all ingredients in a medium-size mixing bowl, or mix in your mixer as all ingredients are edible.
Place on a lightly floured cutting board, and knead about 10 times until smooth.
Using a rolling pin, roll dough until its 1/4 inch thick.
You can cut these in fun shapes like paw prints or bones, or something simple like cut in squares or use something small and circular. (I used a sprinkle lid)
Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes.
Cool completely before feeding to your doggie.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday B! Hello Kitty Cake!

This is the Hello Kitty Birthday Cake I made for my sister B. She LOVES Hello Kitty - she's 22!! :0)

Happy Birthday B - We LOVE you!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Carter B turns ONE!!

I can't say enough about his first birthday! We had so many loved ones come and share this wonderful day with us! He got alot of amazing gifts and had a blast!  I made alot of treats as you can see below:

 The whole table set up, Carter's cake, oreo balls, peanut butter balls, cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate covered marsh's, and pretzels.

  The whole table set up, Carter's cake, oreo balls, peanut butter balls, cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate covered marsh's, and pretzels.

  The whole table set up, Carter's cake, oreo balls, peanut butter balls, cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate covered marsh's, and pretzels.

 Here's my Rainbow jello!

 The whole table set up, Carter's cake, oreo balls, peanut butter balls, cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate covered marsh's, and pretzels.

Carters VW Bug Cake (with Mickey) 

Carters VW Bug Cake (with Mickey) 

Carter's First Birthday Mickey Banner I made him!

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Boy - We love you!!! XOXO!!

Recent Cupcakes!

Below are a few of my recent cupcakes/treats:

Lego Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream

Pink and Purple Cupcakes for a girly birthday party!

Reeses Cupcakes - Chocolate Cupcakes and Peanut Butter Buttercream

Cat Cake for a 2nd Birthday Party

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Niello Volkswagen Ride to Walk Ranch Run

This past weekend the hubby, C and I attended the 2011 Niello Volkswagen Ride to Walk Ranch Run. It was sooo much fun. C got his first ride in daddy's 58 VW bug! It was really neat! I have so many great things to say about this event.  Please see the following link to see the details:

I was able to have a booth at this car show and wow, was it hard work, but so exciting! I got so many great complements! My friend J, sisters B & S and mom and dad all came by to help out! It was great!! We showed up with over 200 beautifully made cupcakes and SOLD OUT!! Thanks Rob and Niello VW. What a great event! Our family looks forward to it every year!!

This is what I started with, this was about half of what we took!

Rainbow with vanilla buttercream

 Double Chocolate

 Carrot Cake with Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting

Thank again to Niello VW and Ride to Walk!

Welcome Baby Orr

Yeah, he is here. Our good friends D & A had their baby!  We love and welcome baby L! He is beautiful and super sweet!! We love you honey!! XOXO

A you did such an amazing job and so happy we could be there for you guys!! Love you!

Happy Belated Birthday to MOM!!

Happy Birthday to my Mom!! I feel so horrible, her birthday was on the 9th of April and I know she reads this and has probably been waiting for this! :-)  She knows and understands how crazy life has been though. That is was makes her so awesome, she gets it, she understands life!!

We had a great time on her birthday. I was baking all morning for the Niello Ranch Run. I made over 200 cupcakes for the event (I will talk about that later) and she is so awesome that she stopped by in the morning and helped ALOT!!! She even went with me to deliver an order I made at the same time for a friend that I have had for a LONG time!

We went and had pizza with the whole family. I made her some spring flower cupcakes becuase she loves working in the yard and garden outside. She loves it... I hate it! haha!!

I really do have an amazing Mom, and I swear she can read my mind and always knows when I need a hug or I need talking to.

I have been going through some tough stuff lately and she has been so understanding and helpful!!

Thanks Mom for being amazing and being who you are! You are amazing and I love you so so much!!! XOXO

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad!! I can't wait to see you tonight and tell you how awesome you are, give your gifts and show you your special 'dad inspired' cupcakes!! (I will show you all later)

My Dad is the best, and my best friend. He has tought me just about evreything I know! He is so smart, he knows how to cook anything, fix anything, build anything and he teaches ALL the time!

He is so helpful anthing you need you don't even need to ask - he has already slid out the door and is shopping for everything he needs to do it and then some, probably dinner!

I love this man to pieces! I love who he has become and more so I love that I can come to him with anything and he always knows the perfect thing to say!

Dad is an awesome Grandpa to C! C will have awesome memories of his Grandpa forever, just like I do!! That means A LOT!

You're outstanding Dad!! Love you! Happy Birthday!!! XOXO

Make A Wish Walk for Wishes!!

So excited - My sister S asked me to participate in the Make-A-Wish Walk for Wishes! We are walking on April 16th in Downtown Sacramento at the Capital. This is really going to be fun! We are getting and making T-shirts and the best part - you get to wear pajama's and some of my family members are walking with us too AND C!!

If you are interested in walking with my team (children are welcome) or simply making a donation please go to
Thank you so much.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More cupcakes...

My favorite cupcake yet...

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

These are the cutest cupcakes ever... They were so fun to make!

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

Meatloaf Cupcakes...

I was making meatloaf the other night and was in a spunky mood so I decided to do something a little different... Meatloaf Cupcakes (with Mashed Potatoes).  I remember seeing this on a blog a few years ago and thought it was the time to try it!

This is the best meatloaf I have ever had - I'll post the recipe soon!

Out of the oven and with mashed potato frosting...
...sorry pictures were at night...

Breakfast with Cousins!

We got a delightful text message on Friday night to meet Amanda and the kiddo's at breakfast on Saturday! Had a really great time and C enjoyed seeing his cousins! See...

OH - you gotta see my Cousin Amanda's St. Patty's Day cupcakes  - SOOO cute! LOVE THEM!

Hope we can clear our busy schedules long enough to get together again... Whoa, life needs to slow down!

I'm back.. Hubby's birthday update and OREO pops!!

I have been so busy planning little C's 1st birthday that I have been ignoring my blog, but I have been thinking about it everyday. I have TONS to share with you - so enjoy!

Hubby's birthday was awesome! It was a few weeks ago and I promised pictures, so here we go!

Hubby is the only one on this planet that doesn't like my cake pops so I wanted to do something special for his birthday and he loves Oreo's so I made Oreo pops and made Cupcake bites as I don't like Oreo's!  

Here's the family enjoying Mom-in-laws taco's... YUMMY!!!

 Playing around having a good time!

Hubby durring his party having a good time! Thanks everyone for coming over and making this such a great evening for Kyle!

Hubby loved the Oreo pops SOOO much he begged me to make them again days later so I made him help me! It was so much fun and it really made me happy that he liked these alot! (So did I...I will admit)

Our little helper, couldn't have made them without him!! XOXO